Black & Gold Custom Bobo Balloon Bouquet


Delight in the perfect gift that says it all! Our Chocolate Box features 12 indulgent milk chocolates paired with the delicate charm of dried baby’s breath. Plus, each box comes with a free wish card, ready for your personal touch. But that’s not all—your gift is elevated with a customizable sticker on a Bobo Balloon, making it uniquely yours. Whether it’s a birthday, celebration, or just a thoughtful surprise, this gift is sure to impress. Give the gift of sweetness, elegance, and personalization in one beautiful package!



Delight in the perfect gift that says it all! Our Chocolate Box features 12 indulgent milk chocolates paired with the delicate charm of dried baby’s breath. Plus, each box comes with a free wish card, ready for your personal touch.

But that’s not all—your gift is elevated with a customizable sticker on a Bobo Balloon, making it uniquely yours. Whether it’s a birthday, celebration, or just a thoughtful surprise, this gift is sure to impress.

Give the gift of sweetness, elegance, and personalization in one beautiful package!


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