Black & Gold Choc Bouquet Without Balloon


Treat your loved ones to the ultimate sweet surprise! Our beautifully crafted chocolate bouquet features 13pcs of  Tango milk chocolates  nestled with delicate dried baby breath for that extra touch of elegance. Each bouquet comes with a free wish card, ready for your heartfelt message. Perfect for any occasion—whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or just because. Let your gift speak volumes with the combination of luxury and sweetness!



Treat your loved ones to the ultimate sweet surprise! Our beautifully crafted chocolate bouquet features 13pcs of  Tango milk chocolates  nestled with delicate dried baby breath for that extra touch of elegance. Each bouquet comes with a free wish card, ready for your heartfelt message.

Perfect for any occasion—whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or just because. Let your gift speak volumes with the combination of luxury and sweetness!


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